When you are finished...

So, you are a user.

And, Congratulations, you have just received your product CD along with the manuals, and you have started following them to the word (high hopes, eh!), believing each written word as if it were the word of God Himself.

You install the product, login, and start playing around with the different options to perform the desired actions. One flow in the manual is described something like this:

1. Do A.
2. Do B.
3. When you are finished, do C.

No! Please don't get a heart attack! The writer doesn't intend to finish you off - lest alone be harmed in any way!

All that the poor writer - who is surely lacking in words - wanted to say was something like this:

1. Do A.
2. Do B.
3. Once you have completed Step 2, do C.

So breathe, relax, and move on to step 3, without having to worry about you being finished.

PS: The writers who use this phrase ought to be ashamed of themselves if something happens to the user. I suggest they use the softer, easier words.

By the way, I am finished with this blog piece.


Anuradha Reddy said...

A message from the beyond- "Nice one there!"
(I died because I'm finished with reading the blog piece... :P)

Sai Vedam said...

The only thing i wanted to comment was, in the age of SaaS, software getting shipped with CD is getting close to being Obsolete.

However the thoughts shared are very good in the context.